Michael E. Moritz College of Law Employment Summary

Employment Summary and Comparison

For the 178 graduates from Michael E. Moritz College of Law, 174 were hired including 173 full-time and 1 part-time positions. Among them, 172 students employed as long-term contract and 2 students employed as short-term contract.
146 graduates got a job where bar passage required and 25 got J.D. advantage (or J.D. preferred) jobs where it does not require passage of the bar exam. 2 graduates got professional positions.
Compared to all law schools in U.S., Michael E. Moritz College of Law' rate of employed is much higher than the average rate of 90.60%. Compared to law schools in Ohio, its rate of employed is much higher than the average rate of 89.55%.
Total Graduates% of EmployedTotal EmployedFull-timePart-time
Michael E. Moritz College of Law17897.75%1741731
All Law Schools35,52990.60%32,18831,1641,024
Ohio Law Schools1,01489.55%90887335
Employment Summary and Comparison for Michael E. Moritz College of Law Graduates Chart

Employment by General Category

The below table summarizes the employment statistics by general position categories and employed stats for 178 graduates. The category definition can be found at ABA's employment protocol
TotalPercentage (%) Full-timePart-time
Total Graduates178
Bar Passage Required14682.02%144110
J.D. Advantage2514.04%24100
Professional Position21.12%2000
Enrolled in Graduate Studies00.00%
Start Date Deferred10.56%
Unemployed - Not Seeking00.00%
Unemployed - Seeking21.12%
Employment Status Unknown10.56%
Employment by Job Category for Michael E. Moritz College of Law Graduates Chart

Employment by Position Types

The below table summarizes the employment statistics by company and job position types for 178 graduates from Michael E. Moritz College of Law.
TotalPercentage (%) Full-timePart-time
Total Employed174-1712 10
Law Firms8849.44%87100
Solo0- 0000
1-101810.34% 18000
11-25116.32% 10100
26-5042.30% 4000
51-10084.60% 8000
101-25074.02% 7000
251-500126.90% 12000
More than 5002816.09% 28000
Unknown Size0- 0000
Business and Industry3117.82% 30100
Government2212.64% 22000
Public Interest2313.22% 22010
Clerkships - Federal52.87% 5000
Clerkships - State, Local, and Territorial42.30% 4000
Clerkships - Tribal0- 0000
Clerkships - International0- 0000
Education10.57% 1000
Employer Type Unknown0- 0000
Employment by Position for Michael E. Moritz College of Law Graduates Chart

Employed at Law schools/Universities Funded Position

The below table summarizes the graduated who employed law school or its parent university funded position by term and working status atMichael E. Moritz College of Law.
TotalPercentage (%) Full-timePart-time
Total Graduates174-1712 10
Total Employed by Law School or University10.56%1000
Bar Passage Required0- 0000
J.D. Advantage10.56% 1000
Professional Position0- 0000
Other0- 0000

Employed Location

The most graduates (118) are employed by law firms or companies in Ohio, where the Michael E. Moritz College of Law located. The following table shows the top three state that graduates got employed with number of employed.
StateNumber Employed% of Employed
Largest EmploymentOhio11867.82%
2nd Largest EmploymentDistrict of Columbia105.75%
3rd Largest EmploymentIllinois74.02%