Among 197 ABA-accredited law schools, 24 law schools' tuition & fees are between $35K and $40K for the academic year 2023-2024. The average law school tuition is $50,994, so the tuition at these schools is low.
In average, 79.43% of students received grants and/or scholarships and the average amount is $13,645. The actual tuition after receiving aid is down to $24,523.
At these schools, the average acceptance rate is 47.40% for 2024 Admission. The acceptance rate of the schools is higher than national average rate of 42.35%.
The average LSAT score of the schools is 156 and the average GPA is 3.56. Their LSAT score is similar to national average score of 159.

Comparison Table Between 24 Law Schools with Tuition between $35K and $40K

The following table lists and compare 24 law schools with Tuition between $35K and $40K. For the schools:
24 Law Schools Tuition between $35K and $40K
School NameStateFoundedTuition & FeesAverage Financial AidLSAT ScoreAcceptance RatePopulation
University of Arkansas School of LawpublicAR1924$39,733$9,00015642.57%402
University of Dayton School of LawpublicOH1974$38,843$34,00015534.30%552
Thomas Goode Jones School of LawpublicAL1928$39,900$15,60015058.25%325
Florida International University College of LawpublicFL2000$36,049$10,68316025.18%591
Levin College of LawpublicFL1909$38,040$21,80416917.01%762
Georgia State University College of LawpublicGA1982$36,810$9,80415931.03%676
University of Georgia School of LawpublicGA1859$37,752$10,86216914.77%694
Howard University School of LawpublicDC1869$39,756$13,09015533.55%488
University of Illinois Chicago School of LawpublicIL1899$39,708$22,50015269.53%990
Paul M. Hebert Law CenterpublicLA1906$39,105$13,00015748.93%626
Mississippi College School of LawpublicMS1930$39,642$20,00015067.41%362
University of Mississippi School of LawpublicMS1854$38,880$10,00015743.53%531
University of Nebraska - Lincoln College of LawpublicNE1888$37,442$16,06815865.90%466
North Carolina Central University School of LawpublicNC1940$39,042$10,40514934.62%430
Salmon P. Chase College of LawpublicKY1893$38,165$18,00015271.91%375
Claude W. Pettit College of LawpublicOH1885$35,250$21,00014868.25%196
Oklahoma City University School of LawpublicOK1907$37,500$14,00014965.40%427
University of Oklahoma College of LawpublicOK1909$36,653$11,00015947.23%1,105
University of South Dakota School of LawpublicSD1901$36,333$5,00015176.16%244
University of Tennessee College of LawpublicTN1890$39,152$7,00016230.21%417
Texas Tech University School of LawpublicTX1967$39,232$10,00015838.08%439
Washburn University School of LawpublicKS1903$39,900$3,03015466.10%305
University of Wyoming College of LawpublicWY1920$37,162$8,00015455.09%226
Jacksonville University College of LawpublicFL2022$36,000-15332.60%0