University of Puerto Rico School of Law Tuition, Fees, COA, and Financial Aid

2022 Tuition & Fees

The 2022 tuition & fees at University of Puerto Rico School of Law is $8,680. Compared to public law schools in U.S., University of Puerto Rico School of Law' tuition is much lower than the average tuition of $43,661. Compared to public law schools in Puerto Rico, its tuition is similar to the average tuition of $8,680.

Undergraduate & Graduate Program Costs

The average undergraduate tuition & fees is $5,324 for state residents and $5,324 for out-out-state students at University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras. The average graduate tuition & fees is $4,170 for state residents and $4,470 for out-out-state students. The law school tuition is 63.04% higher than undergraduate tuition and 94.18% higher than graduate tuition at University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras.

Law School Tuition Comparison Table & Chart

The following table & chart compares University of Puerto Rico School of Law's tuition with other law schools by location and school type. Comparisons can help you make decisions and prepare life as a law school student and beyond.
You can compare University of Puerto Rico School of Law with law schools that have similar tuition under $30K
2022 University of Puerto Rico School of Law Tuition & Fees and Comparison
University of Puerto Rico School of Law$8,680
All Law Schools$30,475$50,994
Puerto Rico Law Schools$8,680$13,331

Law School Tuition Changes Over Past 5 Years

The tuition & fees at University of Puerto Rico School of Law has increased by 12.73% compared to last year. It has not risen in the past changed over past 4 years.
The 2023 estimated tuition & fees is $9,785 with $1,105 increase, if the this year's increase rate is applied. Based on the average increase rate over past 5 years, the 2023 estimated tuition & fees is $8,185, which is - more than this year.
Data Source: IPEDS data center