University of Kansas School of Law Tuition and Financial Aid

2024 Tuition & Fees

The 2024 tuition & fees at University of Kansas School of Law is $23,402 for Kansas residents and $29,739 for out-of-state students according to the University of Kansas School of Law Bursar/Financial Office. Compared to public law schools in U.S., University of Kansas School of Law' tuition is much lower than the average tuition of $43,661.

Undergraduate & Graduate Program Costs

The average undergraduate tuition & fees is $11,700 for state residents and $29,412 for out-out-state students at University of Kansas. The average graduate tuition & fees is $11,574 for state residents and $26,236 for out-out-state students. The law school tuition is 1.11% higher than undergraduate tuition and 13.35% higher than graduate tuition at University of Kansas.

Law School Tuition Comparison Table & Chart

The following table & chart compares University of Kansas School of Law's tuition with other law schools by location and school type. Comparisons can help you make decisions and prepare life as a law school student and beyond.
You can compare University of Kansas School of Law with law schools that have similar tuition under $30K
2024 University of Kansas School of Law Tuition & Fees and Comparison
University of Kansas School of Law$23,402$29,739
All Law Schools$30,475$50,994
University of Kansas School of Law Tuition & Fees Chart

Law School Tuition Changes Over Past 5 Years

The tuition & fees at University of Kansas School of Law has increased by 3.25% compared to last year. It has not risen in the past changed over past 6 years.
The 2025 estimated tuition & fees is $30,704 with $965 increase, if the this year's increase rate is applied. Based on the average increase rate over past 5 years, the 2025 estimated tuition & fees is $28,210, which is - more than this year.
University of Kansas School of Law Tuition Trends Chart

Cost of Attendance with Living Costs, Books & Supplies, and Personal Expenses

The 2024 cost of attendance at University of Kansas School of Law is $42,600 for Kansas residents and $48,937 for out-of-state students. It includes tuition & fees, living costs, costs for books & supplies, transportation & travel costs, and other living expenses, but may exclude health insurance fee, loan fee, and required exam fee. After receiving grants and scholarships, the COA down to $36,187. For detailed costs breakdown, see University of Kansas School of Law's bursar/financial aid page.
University of Kansas School of Law Cost of Attendance
Kansas ResidentsOut-of-State
Cost of Attendance$42,600$48,937
Tuition & Fees$23,402$29,739
Room & Board, Transportation$15,056
Other Expenses$2,602
COA after Grants/Scholarships Received$29,850$36,187
Average Grants/Scholarships Amount$12,750

LL.M. Tuition

University of Kansas School of Law has the LL.M (Master of Laws) program and its LL.M. tuition & fees is $19,008 for Kansasresidents and $24,000 for out-of-state students.
University of Kansas School of Law LL.M. Tuition
Tuition & Fees
Kansas Residents$19,008
Room & Board$13,774
Other Expenses$2,338
Cost of Attendance
Kansas Residents$36,660

Financial Aid Statistics

Grants and Scholarships Received

In 2023, 87.21% of enrolled law school students received grants and/or scholarships and the average received amount is $12,750 at University of Kansas School of Law.
Compared to law schools in U.S., the percentage of grants received at University of Kansas School of Law is slightly higher than the average percentage of 81.23%.
University of Kansas School of Law Grants/Scholarships Received
Percent ReceivedAverage Amount
University of Kansas School of Law87.21%$12,750
All Law Schools81.23%$22,897

Grants/Scholarships Amount in 25th, 50th, 75th Percentile

For 344 enrolled students, 300 students 87.21% received grants and/or scholarships. 36.67% of them received financial aid that equals to the full (or more) amount of tuition and 22.33% received more than half amount of tuition.
For students received grants and scholarships, the 75th percentile amount is $24,339 and the 25th percentile amount is $6,000.
The Grants/Scholarship Amount by Percentile
Total Enrollment312311305315344
Grants/Scholarships Received260275274273300
Percent Received83.33%88.42%89.84%86.67%87.21%
Received Amount
25th Percentile$7,370$7,000$6,500$7,780$6,000
50th Percentile$15,000$12,500$12,500$13,934$12,750
75th Percentile$23,653$22,769$21,846$22,768$24,339

How much of Tuition will Financial Aid Cover?

Of those who received financial aid, 41.00% of students received grants and/or scholarships less than the half amount of tuition & fees and 22.33% received more than half but less than full amount of tuition.
In special, 36.67% received amounts that equal to full tuition or more. It means that 110 out of total 400 enrolled students received grants/scholarships as much as tuition or more.
How Much Tuition Covered by Grants and Scholarships
Number Received260275274273300
Half or Less than Tuition45.77%53.45%47.45%42.49%41.00%
Half to Full Tuition20.00%18.55%21.53%22.34%22.33%
Full Tuition28.08%14.55%17.52%20.51%31.33%
More than Full Tuition6.15%13.45%13.50%14.65%5.33%