Beasley School of Law Tuition and Financial Aid

2024 Tuition & Fees

The 2024 tuition & fees at Beasley School of Law is $30,880 for Pennsylvania residents and $46,776 for out-of-state students according to the Beasley School of Law Bursar/Financial Office. Compared to public law schools in U.S., Beasley School of Law' tuition is similar to the average tuition of $43,661. Compared to public law schools in Pennsylvania, its tuition is slightly lower than the average tuition of $53,505.

Undergraduate & Graduate Program Costs

The average undergraduate tuition & fees is $22,082 for state residents and $37,462 for out-out-state students at Temple University. The average graduate tuition & fees is $22,010 for state residents and $28,523 for out-out-state students. The law school tuition is 24.86% higher than undergraduate tuition and 63.99% higher than graduate tuition at Temple University.

Law School Tuition Comparison Table & Chart

The following table & chart compares Beasley School of Law's tuition with other law schools by location and school type. Comparisons can help you make decisions and prepare life as a law school student and beyond.
You can compare Beasley School of Law with law schools that have similar tuition between $45K and $50K
2024 Beasley School of Law Tuition & Fees and Comparison
Beasley School of Law$30,880$46,776
All Law Schools$30,475$50,994
Pennsylvania Law Schools$46,777$57,625
Beasley School of Law Tuition & Fees Chart

Law School Tuition Changes Over Past 5 Years

The tuition & fees at Beasley School of Law has increased by 4.99% compared to last year. It has increased by 13.76% over the past 6 years from $41,118 to $46,776.
The 2025 estimated tuition & fees is $49,109 with $2,333 increase, if the this year's increase rate is applied. Based on the average increase rate over past 5 years, the 2025 estimated tuition & fees is $48,063, which is $1,287 more than this year.
Beasley School of Law Tuition Trends Chart

Cost of Attendance with Living Costs, Books & Supplies, and Personal Expenses

The 2024 cost of attendance at Beasley School of Law is $55,828 for Pennsylvania residents and $71,724 for out-of-state students. It includes tuition & fees, living costs, costs for books & supplies, transportation & travel costs, and other living expenses, but may exclude health insurance fee, loan fee, and required exam fee. After receiving grants and scholarships, the COA down to $43,304. For detailed costs breakdown, see Beasley School of Law's bursar/financial aid page.
Beasley School of Law Cost of Attendance
Pennsylvania ResidentsOut-of-State
Cost of Attendance$55,828$71,724
Tuition & Fees$30,880$46,776
Room & Board, Transportation$18,468
Other Expenses$4,830
COA after Grants/Scholarships Received$27,408$43,304
Average Grants/Scholarships Amount$28,420

LL.M. Tuition

Beasley School of Law has the LL.M (Master of Laws) program and its LL.M. tuition & fees is $35,358.
Beasley School of Law LL.M. Tuition
Tuition & Fees$35,358
Room & Board$18,468
Other Expenses$4,830
Cost of Attendance$60,306

Financial Aid Statistics

Grants and Scholarships Received

In 2023, 90.47% of enrolled law school students received grants and/or scholarships and the average received amount is $28,420 at Beasley School of Law.
Compared to law schools in U.S., the percentage of grants received at Beasley School of Law is higher than the average percentage of 81.23%. Compared to law schools in Pennsylvania, the received percentage is similar to the average of 87%.
Beasley School of Law Grants/Scholarships Received
Percent ReceivedAverage Amount
Beasley School of Law90.47%$28,420
All Law Schools81.23%$22,897
Pennsylvania Law Schools87.38%$36,127

Grants/Scholarships Amount in 25th, 50th, 75th Percentile

For 659 enrolled students, 558 students 84.67% received grants and/or scholarships. 3.58% of them received financial aid that equals to the full (or more) amount of tuition and 46.42% received more than half amount of tuition.
For full-time students, the 75th percentile of grants amount is $36,750 and the 25th percentile amount is $17,500. For part-time students, the 75th percentile of grants amount is $21,298 and the 25th percentile amount is $7,500.
The Grants/Scholarship Amount by Percentile
Grants/Scholarships Received445494502508484
Percent Received81.65%84.16%84.94%88.04%90.47%
Received Amount
25th Percentile$15,000$15,000$15,000$16,000$17,500
50th Percentile$25,000$22,200$25,000$27,656$28,420
75th Percentile$25,990$27,230$29,533$32,500$36,750
Grants/Scholarships Received8188839074
Percent Received53.64%59.46%57.24%67.67%59.68%
Received Amount
25th Percentile$7,500$5,906$5,625$7,500$7,500
50th Percentile$11,250$10,100$10,000$11,250$13,438
75th Percentile$13,125$15,000$15,000$17,170$21,298

How much of Tuition will Financial Aid Cover?

Of full-time students who received financial aid, 50.83% of students received grants and/or scholarships less than the half amount of tuition & fees and 45.45% received more than half but less than full amount of tuition.
In special, 3.72% received amounts that equal to full tuition or more. For part-time students who received grants/scholarships, 332.43% of students received less than the half amount of tuition & fees and 52.70% received more than half but less than full amount of tuition.
How Much Tuition Covered by Grants and Scholarships
Number Received445494502508484
Half or Less than Tuition27.87%30.16%22.11%16.93%50.83%
Half to Full Tuition38.20%40.28%42.43%43.31%45.45%
Full Tuition32.81%28.34%31.87%29.53%0.00%
More than Full Tuition1.12%1.21%3.59%10.24%3.72%
Number Received8188839074
Half or Less than Tuition55.56%56.82%59.04%45.56%44.59%
Half to Full Tuition33.33%28.41%31.33%40.00%52.70%
Full Tuition11.11%13.64%9.64%11.11%0.00%
More than Full Tuition0.00%1.14%0.00%3.33%2.70%